
Showing posts from May, 2017

Rose Hip Knits podcast- Episode 54 'Spinning again'

Hi everyone, I am still making the podcast happening without my own computer. I am sorry about the limited editing. Because I failed to add any notes/titles in the episode I have put all the links in the description box under the episode on YouTube. So please go to have a look there for show notes. This episode is filled with knitting, some spinning and dyeing. Thank you for watching! /Hanna

Rose Hip Knits Podcast - Episode 53 '5 1/2 pair of mittens'

Hi, Episode 53 is up, again with limited editing. A new (to me) computer should not be far away. In this episode I announce the winners of the AussieKAL. Thank you to all the wonderful entries we had in the last few months! I have included a few links to my projects below. If there is anything else that I talked about that you are curious about please contact me. Thank you for watching! /Hanna Knitting What I finished Mittens that I designed myself - test knitting in progress. What I am working on Secret gradient test knit Vanilla socks Volcano hat by Yasmin Gamal Magical by Elena Nodel Dream knitting I had a clean of my studio and stash and got a few skeins out that I would like to use soon. I definitely would like to start crochet the Hotel of Bees shawl before the #HOBCAL finishes. Dyeing I had a question about repeating colourways and I talk about that a little bit at the end. Other links Rose Hip Island  Etsy shop Rose Hip Islan...